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Andrea Tomatis:
Andrea Tomatis
Season Summaries 2001-11
2001 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
8/8-12 Ostende, Belgium Giulio Mosci Q40 37   11
Q1: d. Max Backer / Gijs Ronnes (Q25)  24-22, 18-21, 15-10 (0:56)
Q2: d. Oleg Kiselev / Dmitry Karasev (Q8)  21-15, 18-21, 15-12 (0:49)
Q3: l. Sander Mulder / Richard Kogel (Q41,32)  20-22, 12-21 (0:38)
Q5: l. David Klemperer / Niklas Rademacher (Q17,27)  21-19, 10-21, 10-15 (0:43)
Matches Won-Lost: 2-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 5-6  
Points Scored-Allowed: 184-199
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 37th
Points: 11
Ranking: 215th
2002 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
7/3-7 Stavanger, Norway Diego Nota Q39 57   2
Q1: l. Alexander Loberg / Bjorn Ingeborgrud (Q26)  14-21, 13-21 (0:32)
9/4-8 Mallorca, Spain Diego Nota Q33 57   2
Q1: l. Ward Coucke / Ron Andelhof (Q32)  21-19, 15-21, 11-15 (0:58)
Matches Won-Lost: 0-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 1-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 74-97
Tournaments Played: 2
Best Finish: 57th (2 times)
Points: 4
Ranking: 255th
2002 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball Challenger & Satellite
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
8/15-18 Lausanne, Switzerland Diego Nota 26 9 $225.00 8
PG: d. Mattias Magnusson / Johan Svensson (10)  23-21, 17-21, 15-12 (0:48)
PG: d. Magnus Willner / Magnus Emmens (23)  21-14, 21-17 (0:40)
PG: d. Jarle Huseby / Tarjei Skarlund (7)  21-19, 21-15 (0:31)
W1: l. Richard Rademaker / Roland Rademaker (25)  24-26, 21-17, 15-17 (0:53)
Matches Won-Lost: 3-1  
Sets Won-Lost: 7-3  
Points Scored-Allowed: 199-179
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 9th
Winnings: $225
Points: 8
Ranking: 52nd
2003 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
6/4-8 Rhodes, Greece Eugenio Amore Q11 57   2
Q1: l. Marius Vasiliauskas / Haroldas Cyvas (Q54)  24-26, 21-18, 13-15 (0:56)
6/18-22 Gstaad, Switzerland Eugenio Amore Q12 41   5
Q1: d. Paul Bourne / Allister Lyne (Q53)  21-19, 21-18 (0:44)
Q2: l. Kristjan Kais / Rivo Vesik (Q21,30)  7-21, 10-21 (0:29)
6/25-29 Berlin, Germany Eugenio Amore Q17 57   3
Q1: l. Ramon Hernandez / Raul Papaleo (Q48,32)  14-21, 16-21 (0:35)
9/3-7 Mallorca, Spain Mauro Mercanti Q34 41   5
Q1: d. Martin Engvik / Ole Martin Kleivenes (Q31)  21-18, 21-18 (0:34)
Q2: l. David Klemperer / Niklas Rademacher (Q2,24)  18-21, 17-21 (0:39)
Matches Won-Lost: 2-4  
Sets Won-Lost: 5-8  
Points Scored-Allowed: 224-258
Tournaments Played: 4
Best Finish: 41st (2 times)
Points: 15
Ranking: 165th
2003 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball Challenger & Satellite
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
8/14-17 Lausanne, Switzerland Mauro Mercanti 15 17 $150.00 6
PB: d. Pascal Cloutier / Dany Cote (31)  21-14, 22-20 (0:40)
PB: l. Patrick Heuscher / Stefan Kobel (2)  10-21, 11-21 (0:31)
PB: l. Sergey Sinkevich / Oleg Kiselev (18)  9-21, 15-21 (0:34)
Matches Won-Lost: 1-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 2-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 88-118
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 17th
Winnings: $150
Points: 6
Ranking: 93rd
2004 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/19-23 Lianyungang, China Sandro Cordovana Q19 41   6
Q1: l. Janis Grinbergs / Austris Stals (Q14)  14-21, 19-21 (0:37)
5/26-30 Budva, Serbia Sandro Cordovana Q29 41   6
Q1: d. Velimir Braculj / Milan Vucinic (Q36)  21-13, 21-16 (0:30)
Q2: l. John Child / Mark Heese (Q4,28)  12-21, 14-21 (0:33)
Matches Won-Lost: 1-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 2-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 101-113
Tournaments Played: 2
Best Finish: 41st (2 times)
Points: 12
Ranking: 200th
2004 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball Challenger & Satellite
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
7/22-24 Cattolica, Italy Sandro Cordovana 4 5 $325.00 6
W1: d. Gianluca Casadei / Enrico Maccagni (13)  26-24, 21-14 (0:53)
W2: l. Fosco Cicola / Andrea Raffaelli (5)  15-21, 19-21 (0:44)
C2: d. Marco Arcidiacono / Nicola Romani (10)  21-12, 21-14 (0:38)
C3: d. Fabio Casali / Thomas Casali (11)  21-19, 21-19 (0:37)
C4: l. Alfredo Tabarini / Francesco Tabarini (6)  by Forfeit
Matches Won-Lost: 3-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 6-2  
Points Scored-Allowed: 165-144
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 5th
Winnings: $325
Points: 6
Ranking: 134th
2004 Confédération Européenne de Volleyball
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/12-16 Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italy Sandro Cordovana   27   4
: d. Daniele Desiderio / Giuseppe Patriarca    21-10, 21-18 (0:40)
: d. Pavlos Beligratis / Thanassis Michalopoulos    21-16, 21-17 (0:45)
: l. Alfredo Tabarini / Francesco Tabarini    21-18, 19-21, 15-17 (1:00)
9/9-12 Valencia, Spain Sandro Cordovana   17 € 250.00 4
: d. Domenico Apicella / Mauro Mercanti    21-18, 21-10 (0:42)
: l. Julius Brink / Kjell Schneider    15-21, 17-21 (0:40)
Matches Won-Lost: 3-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 7-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 213-187
Tournaments Played: 2
Best Finish: 17th
Winnings: € 250
Points: 8
Ranking: 70th
2005 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
10/19-23 Salvador, Brazil Fabio Galli Q18 41   6
Q1: l. Mathieu Daguerre / Mathieu Hamel (Q15)  19-21, 21-15, 14-16 (1:02)
11/23-27 Cape Town, South Africa Andrea Raffaelli Q8,32 17 $1,500.00 40
Q2: l. Igor Hernandez / Farid Mussa (Q9,30)  25-27, 19-21 (0:55)
PA: l. Emanuel Rego / Ricardo Santos (1)  18-21, 21-18, 10-15 (0:48)
PA: d. Jochem De Gruijter / Gijs Ronnes (16)  15-21, 21-16, 15-11 (0:54)
PA: l. Bjorn Berg / Robert Svensson (17)  13-21, 13-21 (0:36)
W1: l. Kentaro Asahi / Satoshi Watanabe (Q1,12)  15-21, 14-21 (0:35)
Matches Won-Lost: 1-5  
Sets Won-Lost: 4-11  
Points Scored-Allowed: 253-286
Tournaments Played: 2
Best Finish: 17th
Winnings: $1,500
Points: 46
Ranking: 143rd
2005 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball Challenger & Satellite
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
7/15-17 Rimini, Italy Giuseppe Bua Q18 33   2
CQ: d. Rodolfo Cavaliere / Giorgio Cicchelli    21-16, 21-16
Q1: l. Bram Ronnes / Jaap Vos (Q15,21)  21-19, 18-21, 13-15 (0:55)
7/23-24 Casablanca, Morocco Domenico Apicella 11 9 $275.00 6
W1: l. Ihssane Boukhar / Karim Oughdach (6)  19-21, 21-19, 16-18 (1:00)
C1: d. Eskil Holtan / Magne Kobbevik (3)  17-21, 21-18, 15-10 (0:49)
C2: l. David Ottosson / Johan Svensson (8)  21-14, 17-21, 11-15 (0:53)
8/11-14 Lausanne, Switzerland Riccardo Bizzotto Q6,14 9 $225.00 5
Q1: d. Jorn Huiskamp / Mathijs Mast (Q11)  21-13, 21-12 (0:34)
Q2: d. Janis Freidenfelds / Andris Laizans (Q14)  22-20, 21-12 (0:39)
W1: l. Fabio Galli / Andrea Raffaelli (3)  17-21, 17-21 (0:43)
C1: d. Jean-Philippe Daguerre / Mathieu Daguerre (11)  21-15, 21-18 (0:37)
C2: l. Philip Gabathuler / David Wenger (9)  15-21, 21-23 (0:37)
9/8-10 Porto Santo, Portugal Fabio Galli Q1,8 7 $750.00 15
W1: d. Espen Goranson / Magne Kobbevik (9)  21-17, 21-18 (0:42)
W2: l. Jorre Kjemperud / Tarjei Skarlund (1)  18-21, 13-21 (0:40)
C2: d. Rodolfo Cavaliere / Vladimir Tchernichov (Q3,11)  21-12, 21-9 (0:29)
C3: l. Adrian Caravano / Kevin Ces (7)  19-21, 21-18, 8-15 (0:59)
Matches Won-Lost: 7-7  
Sets Won-Lost: 18-15  
Points Scored-Allowed: 612-572
Tournaments Played: 4
Best Finish: 7th
Winnings: $1,250
Points: 28
Ranking: 51st
2005 Confédération Européenne de Volleyball
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
7/7-10 Valencia, Spain Giuseppe Bua   19   8
Q1: d. Nikola Vucic / Sinisa Antonic    21-17, 21-10 (0:35)
Q2: l. Mykola Babich / Oleg Nikolaev (11)  21-19, 20-22, 13-15 (1:11)
8/7-9 Lucerne, Switzerland Riccardo Bizzotto   27   6
Q1: l. Stefan Hubner / David Klemperer    13-21, 18-21 (0:50)
Matches Won-Lost: 1-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 3-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 127-125
Tournaments Played: 2
Best Finish: 19th
Points: 14
Ranking: 72nd
2006 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/23-27 Shanghai, China Eugenio Amore 23 5 $5,000.00 180
W1: d. Qiang Xu / Jialu Li (10)  17-21, 31-29, 15-9 (0:57)
W2: d. Roberto Lopes / Pedro Solberg (Q20,26)  21-16, 21-16 (0:40)
W3: d. Jorre Kjemperud / Tarjei Skarlund (15)  21-18, 11-21, 15-12 (0:52)
W4: l. Christoph Dieckmann / Julius Brink (6)  15-21, 19-21 (0:36)
C6: l. Marcio Araujo / Fabio Luiz Magalhaes (2)  12-21, 16-21 (0:39)
5/31-6/4 Zagreb, Croatia Fosco Cicola Q12 41   9
Q1: d. Christopher Underwood / Roberto Rodriguez (Q53)  21-11, 21-14 (0:25)
Q2: l. Jessi Lelliott / Martin Reader (Q21)  20-22, 16-21 (0:39)
6/7-11 Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italy Fosco Cicola 24 25 $1,000.00 30
W1: l. Riccardo Lione / Matteo Varnier (9)  13-21, 16-21 (0:41)
C1: l. Jason Kruger / Rich VanHuizen (Q6,25)  19-21, 21-15, 10-15 (1:00)
6/14-18 Espinho, Portugal Fosco Cicola Q7,25 25 $1,000.00 30
Q2: d. Janis Smedins / Toms Smedins (Q26)  21-19, 21-16 (0:39)
Q3: d. Joseph Gil / Raul Papaleo (Q10)  21-16, 15-11 retired (0:30)
W1: l. Martin Conde / Mariano Baracetti (8)  19-21, 19-21 (0:45)
C1: l. Joao Brenha / Miguel Maia (9)  21-17, 19-21, 13-15 (1:04)
6/28-7/2 Stavanger, Norway Fosco Cicola Q14,32 17 $2,450.00 80
Q2: d. Emiel Boersma / Mathijs Mast (Q19)  21-17, 21-14 (0:33)
Q3: d. Mark Heese / Rich VanHuizen (Q3)  18-21, 21-15, 16-14 (0:58)
PA: l. Emanuel Rego / Ricardo Santos (1)  13-21, 25-23, 11-15 (0:59)
PA: l. Javier Bosma / Inocencio Lario (16)  20-22, 18-21 (0:43)
PA: d. John Garcia-Thompson / Alex Ortiz (17)  19-21, 24-22, 15-11 (1:02)
W1: l. Sascha Heyer / Paul Laciga (20)  13-21, 16-21 (0:37)
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
7/26-30 Paris, France Eugenio Amore 21 25 $1,700.00 40
W1: l. Martin Laciga / Markus Egger (12)  11-21, 21-13, 11-15 (0:49)
C1: l. Kirk Pitman / Jason Lochhead (Q8,28)  13-21, 19-21 (0:37)
8/2-6 Klagenfurt, Austria Fosco Cicola Q16 41   12
Q2: l. Dmitriy Vorobyev / Pavel Zabuslayev (Q17,29)  17-21, 18-21 (0:38)
8/9-13 Stare Jablonki, Poland Riccardo Fenili 21 13 $2,250.00 90
W1: l. Jorre Kjemperud / Tarjei Skarlund (12)  18-21, 17-21 (0:44)
C1: d. Marcel Gscheidle / Jan Schnider (Q5,28)  21-17, 21-17 (0:39)
C2: d. Kevin Ces / Fabien Dugrip (11)  21-19, 21-17 (0:39)
C3: l. Gijs Ronnes / Jochem De Gruijter (20)  15-21, 17-21 (0:39)
9/27-10/1 Vitória, Brazil Riccardo Fenili 25 17 $1,500.00 60
W1: l. Todd Rogers / Phil Dalhausser (8)  16-21, 21-23 (0:45)
C1: d. Mischa Urbatzka / Daniel Krug (Q4,24)  21-16, 21-15 (0:37)
C2: l. Mike Lambert / Stein Metzger (7)  12-21, 18-21 (0:40)
10/24-28 Acapulco, Mexico Riccardo Fenili 26 9 $3,000.00 120
W1: d. Sean Scott / Kevin Wong (7)  21-18, 21-19 (0:56)
W2: d. Pablo Guzman / Juan Virgen (10)  21-14, 21-17 (0:45)
W3: l. Emanuel Rego / Ricardo Santos (2)  21-17, 17-21, 7-15 (1:11)
C4: l. Phil Dalhausser / Todd Rogers (5)  16-21, 9-21 (0:44)
Matches Won-Lost: 14-19  
Sets Won-Lost: 31-42  
Points Scored-Allowed: 1335-1390
Tournaments Played: 10
Best Finish: 5th
Winnings: $17,900
Points: 651
Ranking: 57th
2006 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball Challenger & Satellite
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
9/1-3 Cagliari, Italy Riccardo Fenili 2 4 $1,150.00 28
W2: d. Adrian Caravano / Andy Ces (18)  21-15, 19-21, 15-13 (1:05)
W3: d. Jessi Lelliott / Martin Reader (7)  21-17, 21-13 (0:46)
W4: d. Emiel Boersma / Mathijs Mast (6)  21-19, 17-21, 15-10 (1:03)
SF: l. Florian Gosch / Alexander Huber (4)  21-23, 21-23 (0:52)
B: l. Bjorn Berg / Hannes Brinkborg (5)  by Forfeit
Matches Won-Lost: 3-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 6-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 192-175
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 4th
Winnings: $1,150
Points: 28
Ranking: 37th
2006 Confédération Européenne de Volleyball
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/17-21 Alanya, Türkiye Eugenio Amore   17 € 250.00 60
Q2: d. Fabien Dugrip / Kevin Ces    21-15, 22-24, 15-10 (0:56)
Q3: d. Alex Ortiz / John Garcia-Thompson    21-17, 14-21, 15-10 (0:55)
Q4: l. Clemens Doppler / Peter Gartmayer (16)  15-21, 19-21 (0:45)
7/20-23 Valencia, Spain Riccardo Lione 4 4 € 2,125.00 210
W1: d. Martin Simonsen / Teis Corneliussen (13)  21-14, 21-18 (0:42)
W2: d. Vegard Hoidalen / Kjell Goranson (12)  21-19, 21-13 (0:42)
W3: l. Martin Laciga / Markus Egger (1)  13-21, 13-21 (0:37)
C4: d. Javier Luna / Francisco Rodriguez Herrera (5)  21-13, 18-21, 15-8 (1:02)
SF: l. Reinder Nummerdor / Richard Schuil (3)  12-21, 21-16, 10-15 (0:48)
B: l. Martin Laciga / Markus Egger (1)  21-19, 7-21, 8-15 (1:02)
8/25-28 The Hague, Netherlands Matteo Varnier 24 17 € 500.00 80
W1: l. Jochem De Gruijter / Gijs Ronnes (9)  12-21, 15-21 (0:37)
C1: l. Kristjan Kais / Rivo Vesik (7)  12-21, 18-21 (0:40)
Matches Won-Lost: 5-6  
Sets Won-Lost: 12-15  
Points Scored-Allowed: 442-478
Tournaments Played: 3
Best Finish: 4th
Winnings: € 2,875
Points: 350
Ranking: 44th
2007 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/1-5 Shanghai, China Eugenio Amore 16 17 $1,500.00 60
W1: l. Dmitri Barsuk / Igor Kolodinsky (17)  21-18, 14-21, 16-18 (0:41)
C1: d. Janis Smedins / Toms Smedins (Q16,32)  19-21, 21-15, 15-12 (0:48)
C2: l. Julius Brink / Christoph Dieckmann (2)  13-21, 17-21 (0:36)
5/23-27 Roseto degli Abruzzi, Italy Eugenio Amore 9 25 $1,000.00 30
W1: l. Martins Plavins / Aleksandrs Samoilovs (24)  17-21, 21-23 (0:43)
C1: l. Yaroslav Koshkarev / Serguei Prokopiev (8)  21-17, 21-23, 11-15 (0:56)
6/5-10 Zagreb, Croatia Eugenio Amore 23 17 $1,500.00 60
W1: d. Toni Ivkovic / Pero Krizanovic (10)  21-11, 21-18 (0:34)
W2: l. Kentaro Asahi / Katsuhiro Shiratori (Q13,26)  25-23, 23-25, 10-15 (1:06)
C2: l. Jorre Kjemperud / Tarjei Skarlund (8)  15-21, 17-21 (0:37)
6/13-17 Espinho, Portugal Eugenio Amore 20 25 $1,000.00 30
W1: l. Mariano Baracetti / Martin Conde (13)  19-21, 19-21 (0:41)
C1: l. Premysl Kubala / Jaroslav Pavlas (29)  22-24, 17-21 (0:44)
6/20-24 Paris, France Eugenio Amore Q5 33   20
Q1: d. Riccardo Bizzotto / Fosco Cicola (Q28)  21-16, 21-13 (0:39)
Q2: l. Kentaro Asahi / Katsuhiro Shiratori (Q12,29)  21-23, 21-17, 12-15 (0:58)
Matches Won-Lost: 3-9  
Sets Won-Lost: 10-19  
Points Scored-Allowed: 532-551
Tournaments Played: 5
Best Finish: 17th (2 times)
Winnings: $5,000
Points: 200
Ranking: 116th
2007 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball Challenger & Satellite
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
8/31-9/2 Milan, Italy Giorgio Domenghini 3 3 $1,550.00 32
W1: d. Andrea Bernabe / Fabio Galli (Q11,14)  21-15, 21-16 (0:42)
W2: d. Kim Hellum / Jarle Huseby (Q2,11)  25-23, 21-16 (0:46)
W3: l. Michal Biza / Martin Tichy (2)  15-21, 17-21 (0:43)
C4: d. Sebastian Beck / Michael Bleiker (7)  21-19, 22-20 (0:50)
SF: l. Ricardo Brandao / Thiago Barbosa (Q4,12)  16-21, 13-21 (0:42)
B: d. Michal Biza / Martin Tichy (2)  21-13, 21-17 (0:41)
Matches Won-Lost: 4-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 8-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 234-223
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 3rd
Winnings: $1,550
Points: 32
Ranking: 24th
2007 Confédération Européenne de Volleyball
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/17-20 St. Pölten, Austria Eugenio Amore 12 13 € 650.00 90
Q2: d. Krzysztof Orman / Grzegorz Fijalek    21-13, 21-17 (0:38)
Q3: d. Tim Joosen / Steve Roelandt    21-18, 22-20 (0:46)
Q4: d. Florian Huth / Daniel Krug    21-15, 21-18
W1: l. Clemens Doppler / Peter Gartmayer (5)  21-16, 17-21, 15-17 (1:08)
C1: l. David Klemperer / Eric Koreng (4)  18-21, 16-21 (0:39)
5/31-6/3 Moscow, Russia Eugenio Amore 11 13 € 650.00 90
Q2: d. Michal Litva / Dominik Mracko    21-12, 21-15 (0:35)
Q3: d. Guilherm Deulofeu / Yannick Salvetti    18-21, 22-20, 15-8 (0:56)
W1: l. Jorre Kjemperud / Tarjei Skarlund (6)  25-27, 20-22 (0:50)
C1: l. Emiel Boersma / Bram Ronnes (14)  21-17, 17-21, 26-28 (1:05)
Matches Won-Lost: 5-4  
Sets Won-Lost: 12-9  
Points Scored-Allowed: 420-388
Tournaments Played: 2
Best Finish: 13th (2 times)
Winnings: € 1,300
Points: 180
Ranking: 64th
2008 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
6/10-15 Berlin, Germany Ivan Zaytsev Q30 33   20
Q1: d. Jochem De Gruijter / Gijs Ronnes (Q3)  21-19, 21-16 (0:40)
Q2: l. Anders Lund Hoyer / Bo Soderberg (Q19,28)  16-21, 21-18, 7-15 (0:52)
6/17-22 Paris, France Ivan Zaytsev Q30 33   20
Q1: d. Jochem De Gruijter / Gijs Ronnes (Q3)  21-14, 19-21, 15-12 (0:51)
Q2: l. Eugenio Amore / Riccardo Bizzotto (Q14,27)  14-21, 12-21 (0:32)
8/26-31 Kristiansand, Norway Giorgio Domenghini Q8,29 25 $900.00 30
Q1: d. Rossano Bertocco / Francesco Sposato (Q25)  21-6, 21-5 (0:26)
Q2: d. Aliaksandr Kavalenka / Andrei Zharykau (Q9)  21-13, 17-21, 15-12 (0:53)
W1: l. Kristjan Kais / Rivo Vesik (4)  16-21, 21-13, 13-15 (0:43)
C1: l. Andy Ces / Kevin Ces (20)  16-21, 21-23 (0:40)
Matches Won-Lost: 4-4  
Sets Won-Lost: 10-10  
Points Scored-Allowed: 349-328
Tournaments Played: 3
Best Finish: 25th
Winnings: $900
Points: 70
Ranking: 185th
2008 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball Challenger & Satellite
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
7/3-6 Brno, Czech Republic Ivan Zaytsev 17 5 $750.00 24
W1: d. Jody Gooding / Robin Miedzybrodzki (16)  21-14, 15-21, 15-12 (0:49)
W2: l. Philip Gabathuler / David Wenger (1)  17-21, 16-21 (0:37)
C1: d. Aliaksandr Kavalenka / Andrei Zharykau (15)  21-17, 22-20 (0:40)
C2: d. Kristo Kollo / Oliver Venno (Q15,23)  21-13, 25-23 (0:39)
C3: d. David Kufa / Robert Kufa (Q3,19)  15-21, 21-17, 15-8 (0:40)
C4: d. Jan Dumek / Premysl Kubala (2)  23-21, 21-16 (0:44)
C5: l. Roberto Pitta / Lipe Rodrigues (Q24,24)  26-28, 16-21 (0:56)
7/17-20 Chennai, India Ivan Zaytsev 3 2 $2,200.00 36
W2: d. Sataporn Sawangreung / Borworn Yungtin (19)  21-14, 21-18 (0:35)
W3: d. Lauri Hakala / Ilari Sivonen (6)  21-16, 21-19 (0:31)
W4: d. Jason Kruger / Chris Simek (2)  24-22, 21-8 (0:35)
SF: d. Mike DiPierro / Mark VanZwieten (24)  32-30, 15-21, 15-12 (1:13)
G: l. Luizao Correa / Thomas Klepper (13)  19-21, 21-19, 12-15 (0:53)
Matches Won-Lost: 9-3  
Sets Won-Lost: 19-9  
Points Scored-Allowed: 553-509
Tournaments Played: 2
Best Finish: 2nd
Winnings: $2,950
Points: 60
Ranking: 7th
2008 Confédération Européenne de Volleyball
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/22-25 Lucerne, Switzerland Ivan Zaytsev Q18 21   30
Q1: d. Jody Gooding / Robin Miedzybrodzki (Q15)  21-17, 21-14 (0:45)
Q2: l. Philip Gabathuler / David Wenger (Q2)  19-21, 17-21 (0:43)
Matches Won-Lost: 1-1  
Sets Won-Lost: 2-2  
Points Scored-Allowed: 78-73
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 21st
Points: 30
Ranking: 110th
2009 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/12-17 Rome, Italy Riccardo Lione 30 25 $1,000.00 30
W1: l. Emanuel Rego / Ricardo Santos (3)  12-21, 9-21 (0:29)
C1: l. Inocencio Lario / Raul Mesa (19)  9-21, 13-21 (0:34)
7/21-26 Marseille, France Rodolfo Cavaliere Q24 49   12
Q1: l. Daniel Hupfer / Paul Schroffenegger (Q9,30)  23-21, 18-21, 11-15 (1:01)
8/25-30 The Hague, Netherlands Gianluca Casadei Q14,26 17 $1,400.00 60
Q2: d. Paolo Ficosecco / Fabio Galli (Q19)  17-21, 21-18, 15-9 (0:52)
Q3: d. Vegard Hoidalen / Jorre Kjemperud (Q3)  28-26, 21-13 (0:49)
W1: d. Joao Maciel / Bruno Schmidt (Q1,7)  18-21, 21-19, 22-20 (1:10)
W2: l. Kristjan Kais / Rivo Vesik (10)  12-21, 17-21 (0:38)
C2: l. Hannes Brinkborg / Stefan Gunnarsson (Q7,24)  21-18, 19-21, 9-15 (0:53)
10/26-31 Sanya, China Gianluca Casadei Q8,22 25 $1,000.00 30
Q1: d. Dian Putra Santosa / Suratna Suratna (Q25)  21-12, 21-16 (0:34)
Q2: d. Sittichai Sangkhachot / Prathip Sukto (Q24)  21-13, 21-11 (0:32)
W1: l. Kentaro Asahi / Katsuhiro Shiratori (11)  18-21, 17-21 (0:41)
C1: l. Miguel Maia / Pedro Rosas (6)  17-21, 18-21 (0:39)
Matches Won-Lost: 5-7  
Sets Won-Lost: 12-16  
Points Scored-Allowed: 490-520
Tournaments Played: 4
Best Finish: 17th
Winnings: $3,400
Points: 132
Ranking: 134th
2009 Confédération Européenne de Volleyball
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
6/17-21 Berlin, Germany Rodolfo Cavaliere   CQ    
CQ: l. Matteo Ingrosso / Paolo Ingrosso (Q20)  22-20, 12-21, 16-18 (1:04)
9/9-13 Blackpool, England Gianluca Casadei   CQ    
CQ: l. Matteo Ingrosso / Paolo Ingrosso (Q10,15)  20-22, 17-21 (0:48)
Matches Won-Lost: 0-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 1-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 87-102
Tournaments Played: 2
2010 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/18-23 Rome, Italy Alex Ranghieri Q30 41   12
Q1: l. Inocencio Lario / Raul Mesa (Q3,27)  18-21, 12-21 (0:49)
5/25-30 Myslowice, Poland Alex Ranghieri Q34 41   9
Q1: d. Alexander Huber / Robin Seidl (Q31)  21-16, 21-11 (0:36)
Q2: l. Jason Lochhead / Kirk Pitman (Q2,22)  12-21, 16-21 (0:38)
6/9-14 Moscow, Russia Alex Ranghieri Q30 41   12
Q1: l. Renato "Geor" Gomes / Gia Terceiro (Q3,24)  12-21, 13-21 (0:37)
6/15-21 Prague, Czech Republic Alex Ranghieri Q31 57   3
Q1: l. Sebastian Chevallier / Andreas Sutter (Q34)  14-21, 16-21 (0:34)
6/29-7/4 Stavanger, Norway Alex Ranghieri Q28 33   20
Q1: d. Inocencio Lario / Raul Mesa (Q5)  15-21, 21-18, 15-13 (0:55)
Q2: l. Marcus Popp / Mischa Urbatzka (Q21,31)  18-21, 12-21 (0:32)
7/6-11 Gstaad, Switzerland Giorgio Domenghini Q28 41   12
Q1: l. Jason Lochhead / Kirk Pitman (Q5,24)  10-21, 12-21 (0:33)
7/27-8/1 Klagenfurt, Austria Alex Ranghieri Q26 41   12
Q1: l. Inocencio Lario / Raul Mesa (Q7,30)  21-19, 17-21, 11-15 (1:00)
8/3-8 Stare Jablonki, Poland Alex Ranghieri Q25 41   12
Q1: l. Clemens Doppler / Matthias Mellitzer (Q8,30)  19-21, 18-21 (0:39)
8/10-15 Kristiansand, Norway Alex Ranghieri Q12 41   9
Q2: l. Josh Binstock / Matt Zbyszewski (Q21)  11-21, 19-21 (0:43)
Matches Won-Lost: 2-9  
Sets Won-Lost: 5-19  
Points Scored-Allowed: 374-470
Tournaments Played: 9
Best Finish: 33rd
Points: 101
Ranking: 127th
2011 Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
5/17-22 Prague, Czech Republic Fosco Cicola Q28 57   3
Q1: l. Ward Coucke / Tom van Walle (Q37)  16-21, 10-21 (0:28)
6/13-19 Rome, Italy Daniele Lupo 43 33 $2,400.00 25
PF: l. Penggen Wu / Linyin Xu (6)  16-21, 13-21 (0:34)     
PF: d. Tarjei Skarlund / Martin Spinnangr (19)  21-17, 21-18 (0:39)     
PF: l. Grzegorz Fijalek / Mariusz Prudel (30)  19-21, 14-21 (0:42)     
7/5-10 Gstaad, Switzerland Daniele Lupo Q28 41   12
Q1: l. Andy Ces / Kevin Ces (Q5)  12-21, 22-20, 9-15 (0:47)
7/12-17 Moscow, Russia Daniele Lupo Q22 33   20
Q1: d. Alexander Horst / Daniel Mullner (Q11)  21-17, 15-21, 15-12 (0:50)
Q2: l. Martin Laciga / Jonas Weingart (Q6,23)  14-21, 21-16, 10-15 (0:47)
8/16-21 Åland, Finland Matteo Martino Q17 41   9
Q1: d. Mark Petersen / Michael Watson (Q48)  21-13, 21-17 (0:33)
Q2: l. Volkan Gogtepe / Selcuk Sekerci (Q16,31)  17-21, 21-19, 12-15 (0:50)
8/23-28 The Hague, Netherlands Luca Colaberardino 31 25 $1,000.00 30
W1: l. Pedro Cunha / Ricardo Santos (2)  9-21, 14-21 (0:30)
C1: l. Alexandr Dyachenko / Alexey Sidorenko (15)  10-21, 16-21 (0:31)
Matches Won-Lost: 3-8  
Sets Won-Lost: 9-17  
Points Scored-Allowed: 410-488
Tournaments Played: 6
Best Finish: 25th
Winnings: $3,400
Points: 99
Ranking: 128th
2011 Confédération Européenne de Volleyball
Date Location Partner Seed Finish Winnings Points
7/19-24 Niechorze, Poland Daniele Lupo 17 17 € 250.00 60
W1: l. Daniel Hupfer / Helmut Moser (Q7,16)  14-21, 17-21 (0:36)
C1: l. Volkan Gogtepe / Selcuk Sekerci (2)  21-17, 18-21, 12-15 (0:45)
Matches Won-Lost: 0-2  
Sets Won-Lost: 1-4  
Points Scored-Allowed: 82-95
Tournaments Played: 1
Best Finish: 17th
Winnings: € 250
Points: 60
Ranking: 90th


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